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Vinyl Siding: Maintaining Without Warping

No more warping on vinyl siding

Yellow wooden panels

How To Fix Vinyl Siding Warp

How To Fix Vinyl Siding Warp

A community's impression and perceived value of a building begin with its visual appeal. Since vinyl siding often covers a majority of the outside of a building, it plays an integral role in determining how the building appears at first glance. Vinyl siding warp is a problem that should be avoided. Learn how to maintain vinyl siding.

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How To Fix Vinyl Siding Warp

Vinyl Siding Warp

What is It?

Vinyl siding warp is when vinyl siding panels pop out of place or buckle.

Sections of siding can become rippled or warped, ruining the building’s appearance.

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How To Fix Vinyl Siding Warp

Vinyl Siding Warp

What Causes It?

Vinyl siding warp is an eyesore that is often caused by uninformed maintenance decisions.

Painting vinyl siding with a paint color that is a darker shade than the manufacturer's original coat can lead to vinyl siding warp. 

Because darker shades of paint naturally absorb more heat from the sun than lighter shades, they cause the vinyl panels trapped under the paint to reach higher temperatures. If that substrate reaches a temperature higher than it was designed to withstand, the result is often vinyl siding warp. 

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How To Fix Vinyl Siding Warp

Vinyl Siding Warp

How to Avoid It

The best way to prevent or correct warping of vinyl siding is to paint vinyl panels with a shade that is no darker than the manufacturer's original coating. 

If the vinyl siding expands beyond a certain limit, it will never contract to its manufactured shape and must be replaced in order to restore the desired appearance. 

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